Product Description
Mix Bed Demineralisers Ionex MB ( IMB-500), units are single column portable demineralisers producing
demineralized water, complying I.P. Specifications comprise of FRP/MSRL
pressure vessel mounted on framework containing bed of mixed resins,
assembly of multiport valve & control panel with conductivity meter.
Ionex MB units have to be regenerated on the basis of an increase in the conductivity
of treated water quality
Raw water passes through a cation
exchanger where all cations are replaced
by H+ ion & Water becomes decationised
resulting in a solution of weak and strong
In the next anion exchanger, weak and strong
acids are removed.
When the capacities of exchangers are
exhausted the resin is regenerated as the
cation exchanger with acid and the anion
exchanger with sodium hydroxide.
The service, regeneration, fast/slow rinse
& backwash operation is carried out
through a nest of valves or one single
control Multiport Valve