Product Description
Enhanced Triazine based H2S Scavenger: We have firmly positioned ourselves as one of the major Enhanced Triazine manufacturers, suppliers and Exporter based in India.This is an MMA based Enhanced Triazine. JadeScan 55 Triazine has better corrosion control, odour removal, cost effective, efficient dosages, safer handling, environmental friendliness and capability to reduce solid build up. The USB of this product is having been enhanced with polymer-based scale inhibitor to effectively remove CaCO3, CaSO4 and BaSO4. It is no acid-based scale inhibitor. Even though it is enhanced with scale inhibitor it has no side effect or reduce triazine performance.Triazine is also known(synonyms) triazine enhanced with scale inhibitor, enhanced triazine, S-triazine, MEA Triazine, H2S scavenger, 1, 3, 5-Tris (2-hydroxyethyl) hexahydro-triazine, 1 3 5 Triazine, S-Triazine.